10% discount on everything from Team Up & Unbroken Bonds!

10% korting op alles van Team Up & Unbroken Bonds!

Tim Bakker |

Until Wednesday, July 31, receive a 10% discount on everything from Sun & Moon: Team Up and Unbroken Bonds! What do you have to do for this? Add the Team Up and Unbroken Bonds products to your shopping cart, and the discount will be applied automatically!

The latest Sun & Moon Set: Unified Minds will be available from Friday, August 2. This means big clearance discounts on everything from Team Up and Unbroken Bonds! Make your move quickly!

Team Up

Team Up is the ninth Pokémon TCG Sun & Moon set and contains brand new TAG TEAM Pokémon-GX cards with which you can battle other Pokémon (teams)! What about Pikachu & Zekrom-GX, Lycanroc-GX, Hoopa-GX, Cobalion-GX and many more. Make smart use of the dynamic duos and prepare for the coolest action!

Team Up contains a total of more than 180 cards including 6 brand new TAG TEAM Pokémon-GX, 6 other Pokémon-GX, 4 Prism Star cards and more than 25 Trainer cards.

Unbroken Bonds

When you have a partner you can count on, nothing can stop you! The TAG TEAM Pokémon-GX in the Pokémon TCG: Sun & Moon Unbroken Bonds expansion demonstrate the colossal power of teamwork, such as Reshiram & Charizard-GX, the Ultra Beasts Pheromosa & Buzzwole-GX, and Gardevoir & Sylveon-GX... and Lucario teams up with the newly discovered Melmetal! With confidence and practice, these Pokémon can do almost anything, so check out all the amazing Pokémon combinations in the Sun & Moon Unbroken Bonds expansion!

Unbroken Bonds contains over 210 cards in total, including 7 brand new TAG TEAM Pokémon-GX, 7 other Pokémon-GX, over 25 Trainer cards, and a new special Energy card.

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